Search results for: “Breast Reconstruction”
8 Results Found
Blog post
Exploring Breast Reconstruction: Flap Surgery and Alternative Options
What is the best flap surgery for breast reconstruction, what can you expect and other important facts.
GCA EducationBreast ReconstructionNipple ReconstructionBlog post
What is the difference between Round and Anatomical Breast Implants?
Round vs anatomical implants? Which is the best for you?
Round vs AnatomicalRound ImplantsAnatomical ImplantsBreast Augmentation SurgeryBreast EducationThe Round CollectionPERLEBlog post
What are breast tissue expanders and how are they used in Breast Reconstruction
Breast Tissue expanders are used after a mastectomy – partial or bilateral - to increase the amount of tissue doctors must work with to recreate a breast shape.
breast tissue expandersbreast reconstructionBlog post
Nipple and Areola Reconstruction after breast cancer
The final step to feel completely recovered
Nipple ReconstructionBreast CancerTotal Breast Reconstruction™Total Breast ReconstructionFAQ
What is it?
Breast reconstruction restores and rebuilds the breast shape after a mastectomy. It may be performed following removal of the whole breast (mastectomy) a part of the breast (lumpectomy). The aim is to reconstruct a breast of similar size and shape to your original breast. However, they won't be identical.
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