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Fat graftin

Meet Puregraft™

PuregraftTM️, The gold standard fat transfer system to enhance your surgical outcomes.1

The beauty of lipomodelling

Puregraft™, The gold standard fat transfer system to enhance your surgical outcomes.1

Design to shape your plastic and reconstructive surgery.

Why not get the best possible natural look, within the same procedure? You deserve your best. Autologous, biocompatible fat, processed for high quality, long-term results. 2,3,4

Fat grafting
An essential part of breast reconstruction

Following the mastectomy procedure, breast reconstruction procedures are often performed.5 Fat grafting complements the breast reconstruction procedure to achieve a more natural look in immediate or two-stage reconstruction.

Nipple-areola complex
An essential part of breast reconstruction

Following the mastectomy procedure, breast reconstruction procedures are often performed.5 Fat grafting complements the breast reconstruction procedure to achieve a more natural look in immediate or two-stage reconstruction.


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1. Bimini Health Tech: https://www.biminihealthtech.com/

2. Gerth DJ, King B, Rabach L, Glasgold RA, and Glasgold MJ. Long-Term Volumetric Retention of Autologous Fat Grafting Processed with closed-membrane filtration. Aesthet Surg J. 2014 Sep; 34(7) 985-94. DOI: 10.1177/1090820x14542649.

3. Marcos Sforza, MD; and Scott Spear, MD. Hybrid Implant and Grafted Fat Breast Augmentation: Designing the pathway to a future with breasts free of silicone breast implants. FACS.Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 2021, Vol 41(11) NP1473–NP1485. DOI: 10.1093/asj/sjab195.

4. Min Zhu, M.D. Steven R. Cohen, M.D. Kevin C. Hicok, M.S. Rob K. Shanahan, B.S. Brian M. Strem, Ph.D. Johnson C. Yu, B.S. Douglas M. Arm, Ph.D. John K. Fraser, Ph.D. White Paper. Comparison of Three Fat Graft Preparation Methods: Gravity Separation, Centrifugation, and the Puregraft® System. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 131: 873, 2013.) DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e31828276e9.

5. Kaya B, Serel S. Breast reconstruction. Exp Oncol. 2013 Dec;35(4):280-6. PMID: 24382438.

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[1] The information provided is for informational and educational purposes only, the content herein is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a physician.

[2] The statements and opinions presented here are applicable to everyone. Results will vary and may not be representative of the experience of others.

Puregraft™ is a manufactured product by Bimini Health Tech. Puregraft LLC, US.