GC Aesthetics® Instruction For Use (IFU) and Patient Consent Form (PCF)
How to get your IFU and Patient Consent Form?
Make sure your browser can open PDFs or download Adobe Acrobat Reader (free PDF Reader software). https://get.adobe.com/reader/
Check on the product Label: - The Product Name - The Product Lot Number This information will allow you to find the IFU and Patient Consent Form corresponding to your product.
Find the IFU and Patient Consent Form applicable to your product in the correspondence table and check the latest version in force.
Blossom™ IVTE
Blossom™ IVTE, is the Integrated Valve Tissue Expander by GC Aesthetics®. The product is intended for temporary subcutaneous implantation and requires periodic, incremental inflation with sterile saline for injection until the desired amount of tissue is developed.
IFU table
Product Name
Blossom IVTE e-document PT
Product Lot Number
From 295104
Corresponding IFU - PCF Revision
A19-088 v06
IFU - PCF File
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