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乳房再建の探求: 皮弁手術と代替オプション

乳房再建の探求: 皮弁手術と代替オプション

Embarking on the journey of breast reconstruction is a transformative experience, both physically and emotionally. Within this realm, flap surgery emerges as a remarkable technique, utilizing your body's own tissue to recreate a natural look and feel. In this guide, we'll explore the intricacies of flap surgery, shedding light on its types, considerations, and important aspects. 


What you can expect  


While your new breast and nipple may not mirror the original, the contours can be skillfully crafted to resemble your pre-surgery silhouette. Flap surgery, the most intricate and complex part of a Breast Reconstruction journey, involves transferring skin, muscle, fat, and blood vessels to create a new breast mound. In some cases, augmentation with a breast implant may be necessary to achieve the desired size. 


Considering the Risks is a very important factor 


It's crucial to acknowledge that flap surgery carries significant complexities and potential complications. These may encompass changes in breast sensation, extended surgical time, prolonged recovery, and other factors like fluid collection or infection. Careful consideration and open communication with your doctor are imperative to navigate these potential challenges. Just so you have an idea, these include: 

  • Changes in breast sensation 
  • Prolonged time in surgery and under anesthesia 
  • Extended recovery and healing time 
  • Poor wound healing 
  • Fluid collection (seroma) 
  • Infection 
  • Bleeding 
  • Tissue death (necrosis) due to insufficient blood supply 
  • Loss of sensation at the tissue donor site 
  • Abdominal wall hernia or weakness 


Radiation therapy delivered to the skin and chest wall may pose complications during healing if it's given after breast reconstruction surgery. Your doctor may recommend waiting until you're finished with radiation therapy before proceeding with the second stage of the breast reconstruction. 


The Flap Surgery Marvel: Your Body's Own Tissue  


Flap surgery is a significant option in the realm of breast reconstruction. Unlike traditional surgeries, it utilizes your body's own tissue to recreate the breast, resulting in a more natural look and feel. There are several types of flap surgery, and the best one for you depends on your unique circumstances. It's important to note that flap surgeries are often associated with other kinds of procedures, including fat grafting or nipple implants. None of these are inherently incompatible with each other and may even be needed in conjunction at times. 


Abdomen (SIEA flap) 

A variation of the DIEP flap, the superficial inferior epigastric artery (SIEA) flap uses the same abdominal tissue but relies on blood vessels that are not as deep within the abdomen. This supplies a less invasive option, but not all women's SIEA blood vessels are adequate for this type of flap surgery. It’s the ideal, but the most complicated one.  


Back (latissimus dorsi flap) 

This surgical technique takes skin, fat, and muscle from your upper back, tunneling it under your skin to your chest. Because the amount of skin and other tissue is generally less than in a TRAM flap surgery, this approach may be used for small and medium-sized breasts or for creating a pocket for a breast implant. Although uncommon, some women experience muscle weakness in the back, shoulder or arm after this surgery. 


Buttocks (gluteal flap) 

A gluteal flap is a free flap procedure that takes tissue from your buttocks and transplants it to your chest area. A gluteal flap may be an option for women who prefer tissue reconstruction but who don't have enough extra tissue in their backs or abdomens. 


Inner thigh (TUG) 

Another newer option, the transverse upper gracilis (TUG) flap, uses muscle and fatty tissue from the bottom of the buttocks to the inner thigh. TUG flap surgery, which isn't available everywhere, may be an option for women whose thighs touch and who have small to medium-sized breasts. 


Other steps in the process 


Breast reconstruction is a field that's constantly evolving. Beyond flap surgery, there are other techniques worth exploring. One of these is fat grafting, which involves transferring fat from one part of your body to the breast area. But as we mentioned, this is just one step that could be added to the full process. 


Another promising technique is the use of acellular dermal matrices, which act as a scaffold for your body to build new tissue. It's like giving nature a blueprint to recreate what was lost. 


As a final touch for each of the flap surgery options, a nipple implant is available. This step provides a sense of wholeness to the entire process. Whether you underwent bi-lateral or unilateral breast reconstruction, you may be eligible to reconstruct your nipple-areola complex with a safe silicone implant designed to assist in regaining projection and form¹, accurately mimicking both the appearance* and sensation² of a natural nipple. FixNip™ NRI is a one-of-a-kind nipple implant for women who have undergone breast reconstruction that’s safe, minimally invasive and has amazing results. 


What about the recovery? 


It all depends on person to person and the kind of surgery you had. After your surgery, you might experience some fatigue and discomfort that can last for a few weeks. Your doctor can provide you with medication to help manage the pain. Additionally, it's possible that you'll have drainage tubes in place temporarily after the surgery. These tubes are used to remove any excess fluids that may accumulate at the surgical site. 


To aid in reducing swelling and provide support during the healing process, wearing an elastic bandage or a support bra is recommended. 


Following the surgery, you will have stitches, usually absorbable sutures, which means you won't need to schedule a separate appointment to have them removed. While scarring is permanent, it tends to naturally fade over time. 


Returning to your regular activities really depends on many factors. Your doctor will provide guidance on any activity restrictions, such as avoiding heavy lifting or strenuous physical activities. It's important to understand that the recovery process can vary among individuals. Patience and self-care are key during this journey to full recovery. 


Stay Informed, Stay Empowered 


Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to making decisions about your health and well-being. Breast reconstruction is a deeply personal journey, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution. By staying informed about the latest techniques and innovations, you're taking control of your path to recovery and rediscovery. 


Ready to brush up on these exciting new possibilities? Dive into the world of breast reconstruction and stay ahead of the curve. Read up on more on Nipple and Areola Reconstruction after breast cancer. Because when it comes to your confidence and your future, you deserve nothing but the best and knowing about the best! 


For over 40 years, GC Aesthetics® has provided women around the world with reliable, safe, and effective breast implants. To learn more about our extensive breast implant portfolio visit our website and feel more informed to book your first consultation with a Board-Certified Surgeon today.  


GC Aesthetics®️, A Confident Choice for Life™️ 



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