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Are there different types of Breasts? What are their names?

Are there different types of Breasts? What are their names?

You have most likely, at some point, looked at yourself in the mirror and asked yourself “what is my breast type?” “Are my breasts normal?” Let's start by stating that there are as many types as possible of breasts are there are women. These are just some general or common examples. As you have most likely heard before, boobs are sisters, not twins! Breast vary from person to person. If you are not sure what your breast type is, there are breasts type quizzes online to help you determine your breast shape. In this blog, we will discuss breast shapes and sizes, and everything you need to know to help you understand and figure out your types of breasts, let’s go!

Some breast sizes, types and examples are as follows:

Round Breasts, which means the breasts are equally full at the top pole and bottom pole. There are Asymmetrical Breasts where one of the boobs is noticeably bigger than the other (and that’s fine unless you want to correct it). There are “Archetype” Breasts which are round and full of a small point at the nipple. Most bras are designed for this type of breast. Another type of breast shape is Athletic Boobs, which are wider with more muscle and less breast tissue. There are Bell Shaped Breasts that look like bells, with a narrow top pole and a rounder bottom. Some breasts are conical shaped which means the breast resembles cones which are quite common in small breasts and larger and close-set which have no separation or a very small gap between them.

Another type of breast is what some call Narrow Breasts which are thin boobs with the nipple point down. The bottoms are fuller than the tops, long and wide. These breasts are also called Tubular Breasts, Tuberous Breasts, or Breast Hypoplasia which is a condition caused by breast tissue not proliferating properly during puberty. While Tubular Breasts or sagging breasts do not pose any direct threat to your health, however, some women do seek to correct it. The cause is not exactly clear, some Surgeons think it’s a result of something that happens in the uterus. There are different types of Tuberous Breasts depending on the severity of the condition, in the most severe case, women cannot breastfeed. If you have these types of breasts and feel very self-conscious about it, there is surgery to correct it. Talk to your Board-Certified Surgeon for a consultation. 

There is also the east-west shape of breasts, the nipples in this breast type point outward away from the middle of your body. Many women seek to fix east-west breasts however this is up to you since they pose no issue to your health and are perfectly ok. Another breast shape is the Relaxed Breast type which has “looser” breast tissue and nipples pointing down. Teardrop Breasts are usually round, and the bottom pole is fuller than the top

As you can tell there are many different types and shapes, these are just some common ones. Now you’re probably asking why my breasts are shaped like this? The answer is perhaps unclear, but genetics play a noticeably big role in your breast shape and size as well as your breast density and breast tissue. Other factors that affect the shape of your boobs are weightloss or weight gain, exercise, age, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and gravity.

In conclusion, all breasts are beautiful and unique, there is not one type of “normal” breasts or a type of breast that is best. What is not usual or ok is having unexplained pain and sensitivity in your breasts. If your breasts hurt, bleed, secrete white or yellow liquid, ior tch constantly, you should go to your doctor and get a screening. Whatever your breast size and shape, you can rock any type of clothing, bra, or no bra you like.  And if for some reason you want to correct, change or enhance them GCA® is here with the most extensive and comprehensive reliable, safe, and effective breast implants, with over 40 years of experience, GC Aesthetics® is committed and focused on women’s breast health. We at GCA®, develop best-in-class solutions serving women with safety and care. GCA® offers different types of breast implants shape, sizes and gel. Visit our Official Instagram to learn more! 

Remember to do your monthly breast checkup, it takes 10 minutes, and it helps familiarize yourself with your breasts and could be helpful to detect any changes that may indicate some medical conditions.

GC Aesthetics®, A Confident Choice for Life™ 


  1. https://www.healthline.com/health/tubular-breasts#causes
  2. https://www.seventeen.com/health/sex-health/g23725507/different-boob-types-shapes/
  3. https://hellogiggles.com/lifestyle/health-fitness/different-types-of-boobs/


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Are there different types of Breasts? What are their names?
Are there different types of Breasts? What are their names?
Are there different types of Breasts? What are their names?


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