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GCA® a l'honneur de participer au 70ème Congresso Nazionale SICPRE

GCA® a l'honneur de participer au 70ème Congresso Nazionale SICPRE

As part of our prominent and permanent focus on patient safety and continuing medical education, GC Aesthetics® is delighted to participate in the 70 Congresso Nazionale SICPRE that will take place from October 6th to 8th 2022 in Naples, Italy. 

This year the event’s format will change, there will be no more plenary sessions with pre-arranged interventions by invitation. The idea of the format change is to incentive and increase oral communication sessions with dynamic sessions with contents proposed directly by the participants. Each session will be coordinated by two moderators and will include a single pre-arranged intervention focused on the interactive discussion with the public of an emblematic "critical case" whose presentation includes some decision-making points on which to involve the participants to encourage active participation. 


"GCA® is pleased to participate at the 70th edition of the SICPRE Congress, which takes place in the splendid setting of Naples, during which we will present a real innovation FixNip™ NRI, the first silicone implant for the reconstruction Nipple-Areola Complex Reconstruction. Come by our booth #12 and learn about our exciting and comprehensive solution portfolio and our Total Breast Reconstruction™ concept and innovative products " - Pierluigi Signorini, Business Territory Manager Italia, Slovenia, Albania e Malta

-Pierluigi Signorini, Business Territory Manager Italia, Slovenia, Albania e Malta


Visit our GCA® Booth #12!

Don’t forget to stop by our GCA® booth #12 to discover the GC Aesthetics® full range of breast implants, surgical solutions, and our most recent innovation for a new, enhanced and unique standard of care for a Total Breast Reconstruction™.

For more information about this year's SICPRE National Congress and a detailed view of the 2-day programme please visit their website:


GC Aesthetics®, A Confident Choice for Life™

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